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Solving Questions


  • THE WAITING LIST: See questions 1-8 

  • THE PROCESS:  See questions 9-18

  • ​When was the waiting list opened?
    Applicants were able to join the Hoboken rental waiting list for the first time at the start of 2019. The City promoted this opportunity through newspaper advertisements and distributed flyers throughout Hoboken and the surrounding housing area to reach as many qualified and interested individuals as possible. Those who registered for the waiting list before May 8, 2019, received a random (or lottery) number that determines their priority on the list.
  • ​ How many people are on the waiting list to rent an apartment in Hoboken?
    There are currently over 20,000 applicants waiting to rent an affordable apartment in Hoboken and over 1,000 of those applicants have residential preferences.
  • Is the waiting list still accepting applications and if so how can someone apply?
    Yes, the waiting list remains open. Interested applicants can submit their applications online HERE. For general inquiries contact us HERE for the fastest response time. For those without direct access to a computer or email, please call 908-824-6207 for assistance.
  • How will applicants be contacted?
    Eligible households with the highest-ranking lottery numbers will receive an email notification and will have 24 hours to respond. If they choose not to accept the apartment or do not reply within that timeframe, they will not be removed from the waiting list and will be informed of the next available vacancy. IMPORTANT: Save the below email address in your contacts to stay informed. Emails may include: announcements concerning your application status announcements requesting application updates announcements concerning future vacancies announcements concerning future affordable housing opportunities
  • How and when do I submit application updates?
    IMPORTANT Please note the following: If the information submitted in the original application has NOT changed then no further action needs to be taken by the applicant. If there is a change in the information provided on the original application, applicants can provide updates by submitting an "update application form," which can be found HERE. All other applicants DO NOT have to update their information unless they are specifically contacted by Acuity Consulting Services, LLC.
  • How can applicants determine their application status?
    Applicants may inquire about their status via email by submitting our General Inquiry form and clicking HERE.
  • ​ Who is contacted for vacancies?
    As new affordable housing units come online or currently occupied affordable units become vacant, Acuity Consulting Services will contact the next applicant on the waiting list whose household size, income, and residency matches the unit type. Applicants must be under the maximum income limit for the available unit and meet other criteria established by State Law. ​ For more information: Acuity Consulting Services Maximum income limits and minimum requirements can be found HERE. ​
  • What is required while the applicant is waiting for an affordable apartment?
    The first 2,500 applicants on the waiting list will be contacted to submit an update of their application information once per year or they may be removed from the waiting list. The first 2,500 applicants represent the estimated minimum number of applicants needed to maintain an applicant pool that would cover two years of affordable housing unit placement and turnover. This annual update requirement ensures that Acuity has current information on-file when there is a vacancy. Applicants with an email address are emailed links to update their information (The same link is included at the end of this paragraph for your convenience). Applicants without an email address are mailed a flyer which they must mail back (or they may use the link at the end of this paragraph). To help ensure that we have current information on-file when there is a vacancy, applicants should submit any updates HERE .
  • What happens after an applicant expresses interest in an affordable apartment? 
    Applicants must inform us immediately if the applicant is quoted a different rent amount or is experiencing housing discrimination.
  • What comes after income certification?
    We will initiate a formal application process and perform an "income certification" for the applicant. This entails reviewing the total gross income of all adult household members who will be living in the affordable unit for the upcoming 12-month period. Gross income encompasses various sources, including but not limited to: pre-tax wages, salaries, tips, commissions, alimony, overtime, pensions, social security, unemployment compensation, TANF, child support, disability, as well as interest and dividends from assets. Child support and alimony will be calculated based on the court decree outlining the amounts due and whether the payee is up to date or in arrears. All income information will be thoroughly verified during this process. Applicants have one week to submit their completed application and must respond promptly to any requests for additional documentation. An eligibility determination is typically made by us within one week of the application submission.
  • What is next?
    Once the applicant has finished the income certification process, the landlord will be notified that they can move forward with finalizing a lease with the new tenant. As the Administrative Agent, we will establish the maximum allowable rent permitted by the State, which also applies to lease renewals. After income certification, applicants will be taken off the Hoboken waiting list. Moreover, there is no need for annual re-certification.
  • What documents will be required for income and family size verification?
    The following documents will be required from all income-earning members of the household over the age of 18: ​ Photo ID (Driver’s License, State ID or Passport) Social Security Cards for All members of the household Birth Certificates for any minors Marriage Certificate or Divorce Decree, if applicable Certified Form 1040 Tax Return for the last three years - or we accept Transcripts available for free here : ( W2 for last three (3) years Certified form 1099 for last three (3) years - if self-employed - ( Copies of the four most recent consecutive pay stubs, including bonuses, overtime or tips, or a letter from the employer stating the present annual income figure, for all employed household members A letter or appropriate reporting form verifying monthly benefits such as Social Security, unemployment, welfare, disability or pension income (monthly or annually), if applicable A letter or appropriate reporting form verifying any other sources of income claimed by the applicant, such as alimony or child support, if applicable Income reports from banks or other financial institutions holding or managing trust funds, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks or bonds, if applicable Evidence or reports of income from directly held assets such as real estate or businesses, if applicable Section 8 Award Letter, if applicable Copies of the last two (2) months of checking and savings banks statements as well as two (2) months statements for any other financial accounts Copy of Life Insurance Policy if it is a Whole Life Policy For business owners, a profit and loss statement is required A completed final application and such other items as may be requested as part of the final application Copy of Credit Report proof of Credit Score ( obtain for free at
  • What are the income limits for 2024?
    Income Limits can be found HERE.
  • What documents will be required if my household member (s) receives subsidy?
    If a household member(s) received any of the following subsidies, we will require three (3) months of the following: Alimony payment records Annuity payment records Armed Forces Reserves payment records Child Support payment records Disability insurance payment records Pension payment records Public assistance payment records Welfare assistance payment records Worker’s compensation payment records All Social Security & or SSI Records Unemployment payment documents Others
  • Where can I obtain a copy of my Taxes from the IRS?
    Certified Form 1040 Tax Return Transcripts are available for free here : (
  • Will my Credit Score be required?
    A copy of Credit Score can be obtained for free at . While Acuity, as the Administrative Agent, does not require a credit score for Income Certification, nearly all developers do require a credit score in order to consider an application for housing. Therefore, we request that you provide your credit score.
  • If I meet the criteria for affordable housing and I am certified as eligible for an apartment, what else will be required of me?
    At this stage the Owner/ Developer /Housing Provider may request the following from the applicant: An application fee A recent credit report A background check A security deposit A pet fee, if applicable A parking fee, if applicable
  • Do you have any questions or concerns?
    Applicants may reach us via email at the following email address: Applicants may also reach us HERE. Those without direct access to a computer or email, please call 908-824-6207 for assistance. ​​ For your convenience we are sharing the link below. Here you will find other valuable resources and other affordable housing opportunities in New Jersey.
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